Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Unlucky bamboo

Oh you poor thang. D:

Over the course of just three days, one of the bamboo plants started turning soft and yellow! Is this odd that it started happening just as the chinese new year started rolling around the corner? I can't stand superstitions, but this one did make me stop and wonder; derp.

I thought that bamboo thrived in a vase full of water since that's what my mom does. (I forget what else is in there. Some sort of green foam and gravel too, I think?) Hers have been growing for years and they've gotten pretty tall! It also confuses me that they sit in brightly-lit rooms, whereas I thought that bamboo did better in moderate to little lighting. WELL, WHO KNOWS.

I did a few steps in an attempt to save it.
-Schwartz said that it's not an aquatic plant. I think one of the reasons why my mom's bamboos are doing fine is that it contains more than just water and the roots are in the dark. I moved it into a tall cup of soil for temporary placement until I can buy a vase for it. (Why is it that everytime I want to go buy something plant-related, there is a snowstorm??)
-The roots have become totally compacted from sitting in such a thin (and transparent) vase for too long. I don't know if this is the right thing to do, but I covered the bottom of the cup with gravel before filling in soil for extra aeration and drainage. I hope the roots don't rot.
-There were yellow leaves, so I trimmed them all off. The tip of the stem is yellow and soft too, so I'm not really sure what to do about that.
-I moved it further away from the window.

Anyways.. I'll see how this goes. If this doesn't work, I guess there's always plan B. Create an escape pod!

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