Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Wow.. the peas I took from the classroom are growing way faster than the ones in my pot I think.
15.5cm vs. 21! They were relatively the same height as the ones in the pot when I initially brought them in.

Another weird thing: There are two sprouts from one bud--can that really happen? There were only four planted but 5 are growing in the pot. And no it's not the seed I murdered cos that one was dead for sure OKAY.

The radishes just look like giant sprouts. ); You can only stand upright for so long with such a thin stem--they're drooping awkwardly, especially Charles Christopher--he's 10cm now haha.
I wanna dig em up and see how long the roots are so baddddd. D:

The peas have had a slow start but once they get going they are speedin' faster than radishes.

Since there are no more incoming challengers (sprouts haha) the lowest ones as of yet are [peas]3cm and [radishes] 2cm and [corn], 0cm.

Monday, February 22, 2010


I, uh.. planted a couple of popcorn seeds. I'M JUST WONDERING IF IT WOULD ACTUALLY GROW. I mean, Matt told me to just look it up and see if it was possible to grow popcorn kernels but wouldn't that just suck the mystery out of life? );

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Uh oh, accidental abortion

13 Radishes - 9cm
3 Peas - 9cm

Wow.. the peas have certainly caught up to radishes in terms of height. I had planted 5 peas and the third one is just beginning to germinate.. but the fifth pea, I was wondering what the hell was up with it. I, UH, SORT OF DUG AROUND. I found it eventually and it juuuustttt baaaaaarely started germinating. Then the shell around the seed slipped out of my fingers, and the seed split in half. I don't know if I want to bother planting a fifth one again but I buried it back into the dirt anyway. D: I'll let the soil swallow it into nothingness.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Oh hi more pictures


Hahah I turn the pots around each day. They lean in one direction and try to reach for the sunlight but end up hula-dancing instead.
Bamboo fever. ); No no no, not that kind of fever.

This last image describes the second to last image pretty well.

...I didn't make it to chinatown in time to buy those vases at the giftshop. In fact, I woke up far too late to do anything yesterday.

Friday, February 19, 2010

12 Radishes - 8cm
3 Peas - 4cm

I think.. we're going to cut the bamboo. The stem is dying. D: Also it was PROBABLY NOT A GOOD IDEA TO GIVE IT TAP WATER. Be right back, goin' to china town to buy appropriate vases for them, haha.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A casual genocide

11 Radishes - Tallest 6cm
2 Peas - Tallest 1.5cm

I just realized that measuring in cm is the standard rule(r HAHA.) Makes more sense when you think about it, I guess.

Today we had a massacre in the classroom. Since their little marvel pea world was about to be blown up and washed away, I created a small escape pod for five of them.
;A; FFFFFFF IT WAS SO PAINFUL they had so much potential /sobbb

I think they're little marvel peas. Uh, I am certain that the ones I were already growing were alaskan green peas.


William's mom came over and seemed interested in the plants. I gave her some seeds for radishes and peas, since those are the easiest ones to grow I think.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Charles Christopher

Now there are twooo peaaaaas. And niiinneeeee radishes. And that's TUBULAR.

Peas are much slower in growth, but the radish sprouts have reached 200% in height compared to yesterday. William named the tallest one [2in] Charles Christopher.

As for the bamboo, it looks like it is doing better, but I'm not sure? I recently discovered what scales are (plant pests), but that doesn't seem to be the problem in this case. I think the bamboo is actually trying to start to grow new roots. I almost feel tempted to cut it off and let it continue take root. Wouldn't it be cool if it still grew, leaving it there? Bamboo with aerial roots! But, it is not humid enough for that kind of thing. Unless I leave it next to my humidifier?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Unlucky bamboo

Oh you poor thang. D:

Over the course of just three days, one of the bamboo plants started turning soft and yellow! Is this odd that it started happening just as the chinese new year started rolling around the corner? I can't stand superstitions, but this one did make me stop and wonder; derp.

I thought that bamboo thrived in a vase full of water since that's what my mom does. (I forget what else is in there. Some sort of green foam and gravel too, I think?) Hers have been growing for years and they've gotten pretty tall! It also confuses me that they sit in brightly-lit rooms, whereas I thought that bamboo did better in moderate to little lighting. WELL, WHO KNOWS.

I did a few steps in an attempt to save it.
-Schwartz said that it's not an aquatic plant. I think one of the reasons why my mom's bamboos are doing fine is that it contains more than just water and the roots are in the dark. I moved it into a tall cup of soil for temporary placement until I can buy a vase for it. (Why is it that everytime I want to go buy something plant-related, there is a snowstorm??)
-The roots have become totally compacted from sitting in such a thin (and transparent) vase for too long. I don't know if this is the right thing to do, but I covered the bottom of the cup with gravel before filling in soil for extra aeration and drainage. I hope the roots don't rot.
-There were yellow leaves, so I trimmed them all off. The tip of the stem is yellow and soft too, so I'm not really sure what to do about that.
-I moved it further away from the window.

Anyways.. I'll see how this goes. If this doesn't work, I guess there's always plan B. Create an escape pod!

Peas aren't really radishes

My little vegetable guardian. (GARDEN, GET IT.)

It's a joke that's not even funny. XD
If you take out the 'ishes', it reads as 'peas are rad'. But what I really mean by that is 'plants are fun to grow'. Ok, nevermind, here is some plant data I've collected thus far:

Wednesday, February 10
-Bought two 7" pots and potting soil. Planted peas and radishes!

Wednesday, February 12
-Still no growth. Added another pea in the middle of the pot.

Monday, February 15
-Was gone for the weekend, Matt watered the pots for me. No growth.

Tuesday, February 16
-EARLY AM: Four radishes budded! But nothing for the peas.
-AFTERNOON: Two more budded for the radishes. The height of each
(omitting the itty bitty bud that just sprouted) ranges from half an inch to an inch. So fast! Radishes definitely win the race in this one week-span. (They both take a week to bud.)
-LATE PM: One pea has finally sprouted! /claps