Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Peas aren't really radishes

My little vegetable guardian. (GARDEN, GET IT.)

It's a joke that's not even funny. XD
If you take out the 'ishes', it reads as 'peas are rad'. But what I really mean by that is 'plants are fun to grow'. Ok, nevermind, here is some plant data I've collected thus far:

Wednesday, February 10
-Bought two 7" pots and potting soil. Planted peas and radishes!

Wednesday, February 12
-Still no growth. Added another pea in the middle of the pot.

Monday, February 15
-Was gone for the weekend, Matt watered the pots for me. No growth.

Tuesday, February 16
-EARLY AM: Four radishes budded! But nothing for the peas.
-AFTERNOON: Two more budded for the radishes. The height of each
(omitting the itty bitty bud that just sprouted) ranges from half an inch to an inch. So fast! Radishes definitely win the race in this one week-span. (They both take a week to bud.)
-LATE PM: One pea has finally sprouted! /claps